Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wide Load Ahead

Tomorrow, I will be heading to Northern Oregon for a loaded 6-day tour. Dennis Engblom is organizing and leading this tour. Dick Fraschetti and I will be joining Dennis on this trip. We are eagerly looking forward to seeing and covering some new territory on our bikes.

This time I will be using the Bike Friday with full panniers instead of pulling the Samsonite suitcase trailer (see 5/17/08 blog entry for pictures of trailer touring set-up).

I will test out this touring combination for the Fall Japan tour. I took the bike out for a quick spin around the neighborhood to see how it handles. Hmmm, a little wobbly but I hope that's just getting used to the heavy load.

The bike alone weighs 28 lbs. and the four panniers and gear weighs another 48 lbs. I hope my gears are low enough to haul 76 lbs. uphill.

Took this pic before my test run. So far, so good. Wish me luck.

Front view of bike

Rear view of bike


  1. Have a wonderful trip..look forward to your blog when you get back...

  2. Wow Geno! Looks like you have it all there, are you sure you don't want to just hook up the tear drop?
    Have a wonderful trip.
