Monday, August 4, 2008

Misc. Happenings

Alot of neat things were happening before I left on my Eastern Sierra trip. It was a busy time. Here are a few pics of life around the Masuda abode.

Dawn and Jeff's sunflowers are really shooting up. Before I left, the stalks were over 7' tall. When I returned 7 days later, it grew another foot and the four stalks have flower blooms forming on the tops. Hoorah! Pretty soon I will have flowers and seeds for Patti's birdy friends.

Sophie (in the basket), Susan and Peter stopped by to wish me bon voyage.

Sophie is a cute little gal and well behaved. She loves to go on a bike ride.

What great timing. My friend, Dennis, from Monterey and fellow Bike Friday owner stopped by and spent the night before my departure. He was completing a 3 week, 500+ mile loaded tour of Northern California. He caught the Capitol train the next morning back to Monterey.

I had time to begin packing my Bike Friday for the Fall Japan trip. See how the folding bike fits snugly in the Samsonite suitcase. I can check it in as two of my check-in luggage and thus avoid paying any extra fees (I hope?)

Close the suitcase and I'm ready to Rock n Roll!! Pretty cool huh?

1 comment:

  1. very cool bike...hey geno..i have tried commenting on your blog several times and for some reason it doesnt show up...wierd...anyway...looks like you had a great trip..glad you made it back safely...
