Alot of neat things were happening before I left on my Eastern Sierra trip. It was a busy time. Here are a few pics of life around the Masuda abode.
Dawn and Jeff's sunflowers are really shooting up. Before I left, the stalks were over 7' tall. When I returned 7 days later, it grew another foot and the four stalks have flower blooms forming on the tops. Hoorah! Pretty soon I will have flowers and seeds for Patti's birdy friends.
What great timing. My friend, Dennis, from Monterey and fellow Bike Friday owner stopped by and spent the night before my departure. He was completing a 3 week, 500+ mile loaded tour of Northern California. He caught the Capitol train the next morning back to Monterey.
very cool bike...hey geno..i have tried commenting on your blog several times and for some reason it doesnt show up...wierd...anyway...looks like you had a great trip..glad you made it back safely...