Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mt. Lola Hike

While the Sacramento Valley was broiling in 100+ degree temps, the Sac. County Hikers led by Rich Blackmarr headed up into the high Sierras to cooler temps and to bag the tallest peak in the Yuba River watershed, Mt. Lola topping out at 9,143 feet. Ha, it was only 90 degrees in the mountains.

Nine intrepid souls hot-footed up this moderately difficult climb which ascended 2,500' over 5 miles. Due to the heat, even at elevation, the 10 mile RT hike felt like it was 5 miles up and 10 miles down. The descent seemed like it would never end.

Joining Rich, were two Mikes, two Franks, Dorothy, Mary Anne, Heide, and myself. It was a terrific hike following Cold Stream Creek. The trail gradually climbed a narrow valley for 2+ miles passing a beautiful meadow with the last 3+ miles steeply ascending a ridge with grand views of surrounding canyons and high peaks.

Note: Click on pic for enlarged view

Mary Anne, Dot, and Mike taking a break above Cold Stream Creek

Heide crossing Cold Stream Creek

A couple miles up, we come upon a beautiful green meadow with a meandering stream

Above the meadow, the trail passes a field of wildflowers

Looking back at the meadow

Indian paintbrush and mules ears were in bloom

The first view of Castle Peak across a canyon

Mary Anne and Castle Peak

Above 8,000', Mt. Lola ridge line comes into view

Ol' Man and an ol' tree

Frank leading the way to the top

View of Independence Lake

A snow bank poses a minor obstacle. The summit lies beyond.

Another view of Castle Peak from a higher elevation

At the top!

Mt. Lola, the tallest peak in Nevada County, is named after Lola Montez (1818-1861), the legendary actress and dancer who entertained the gold-rush miners. Sierra peaks are often named after popular female entertainers of this period.

Dot and the summit sign . . .

. . . and hat's off to the summit

White Rock Lake lies below the summit

Taking in the grand views

OK, time for lunch

The obligatory group summit shot

Front - Heide, Frank and Dot
Back - Frank, Mike, Rich, Mary Anne, and me
Other Mike taking pic

Remnant snow-bank source of Cold Stream Creek

Heide and White Rock Lake between legs

Across the saddle is Mt. Lola North, at 8,844', the tallest peak in Sierra County. Bagging two tall peaks in one hike . . . hey! . . . not a bad day's work.

1 comment:

  1. Hee hee..How the heck are you! In Awesome shape I see...Lots of hiking and biking for you!
    Read your last few posts..
    Jeff and i spent time at the Colorado nat. monument..did lots of hikes there..and stayed in fruita.
    not much longer and we will start our journey west..
    cant wait to see you and spend time together..
    still have not made any reservations at the camp ground..not sure of dates yet..
