Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sacramento Alley Tour

Something different, easy and fun. What a novel idea. The Sacramento Bike Hikers, led by venerable Larry Robinson, organized a tour of East Sacramento and Downtown alleys.

But there was no dumpster diving on this ride but only nice refueling stops at Old Soul Coffeehouse and Whitworth Bicycles, both businesses located on alleys. After all, we were bonking after 16 grueling miles.

About 30 alley cats joined Larry on this ride and got a glimpse of scenes we rarely see. With over 90 turns, the group hung together and regrouped often. Now how often does this happen!

A fab day in the saddle. Thanks Larry for a fun and unique outing.

Cruising through unpaved alleys in the posh East Sac neighborhood (above and below)

Cool murals found in downtown alleys

First rest-stop at Old Soul Coffeehouse found on a mid-town alley

Hanging out in the alley drinking coffee . . . very appropriate today

The ride was an economic stimulant for Old Soul

Mr. Cool Cat - Larry - our leader

More alley scenes at Old Soul

Beth taking her last bite of a cookie

Mid-town alleys - a great place to hang out. How times have changed.

Walt Seifert (red shirt) retiring as the executive director of SABA is planning to travel the world.

You did good Walt . . . enjoy retirement!

Last stop - Whitworth Cycle Shop located on an alley

A funky, friendly place

Whit provided refreshments for the alley cats

Whit (left) hard at work

You find all kinds of interesting stuff in Whit's yard - camper, vegetable garden, and many old bikes.

This Wilier seen better days . . . ouch!

A corset shop is one of Whit's neighbors . . . now where can you buy bikes and corsets in one place?

Over-view of Whit's patio . . . a most unusual place but great!

Group photo of the alley cats

Click on pic for enlargement

1 comment:

  1. Hi Geno.
    I publish an yearly academic city planning journal out of Cal Poly, FOCUS. This year we will include an article with a case study on Liestal Row (or Old Soul Alley). I would love to include one of your photos. Unfortunately we cannot pay but will include full credits. I can also send you a copy of the journal once it comes out. My email is:
    You can see our department's web page at:
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you,
