Monday, September 13, 2010

2010 3 Amigos Tour

Himalayan Prayer Flags
Hot moist face towels drying in the morning sun

Another edition of the 3 Amigos Bike Tour successfully completed and we all survived to talk about it :-). Unlike last year where the temperatures were approaching 100 degrees, this year's tour started out with day time highs in the 50's and night time temps dropping into the shivering low 30's. The nightly campfire drew a grateful crowd. But over the course of 5 days, the weather warmed up nicely and we were able to shed our cold weather riding gear.

The challenging route essentially followed the same course as last year - C-Bar-C Park in Citrus Heights to White Cloud Campground on Hwy 20 via Grass Valley (73 mi.) - to Wm. Kent Campground (2 nights) near Tahoe City via Donner Pass and Truckee (54 mi.) - to East Silver Lake Campground on Hwy 88 via South Lake Tahoe (63 mi.) - and return to C-Bar-C via Sly Park and Cameron Park (80 mi).

The base route covered approximately 264 miles with 19,400' of vertical. On the layover day at Tahoe, members had the choice of doing optional rides in the area or veg out and read a book.

For enlarged view, click on pic

The 3 Amigos

Casey, Steve and Jim - did another fine job of leading and organizing the tour

The 3 Amigos with the hard-working support crew - Pam, Jessica, and Beth

Let the riding begin!

First day's route crosses the Bear River

Peter S. and Saxon swooping down Dog Bar Road and banking over the Bear River Bridge

John F. sitting up camp at Wm. Kent Campground at Lake Tahoe

Snacks and beverages provided after every day's ride

. . . or 4 o'clock nap after a particularly grueling day

Jim R. cruising into camp

Lake Tahoe was a short walk from Wm. Kent Campground (above and below)

Jesse and Beth - hard working kitchen crew

Head chef - Jim - kept us well fueled

Waiting for dinner - Peter S., Sax, and Bob B.

Gil, Jay and Susan

Affable Hazi

A surprise visit by Mahatma Gandhi . . .

Dinner bell rings

Hey Gil! . . . save some for us!

Circling the wagons at chow time

Next morning, Bob B. steps up and prepares breakfast burritos

Early morning temps in the 30's and everyone huddling to stay warm

Don attempting to warm up with a hot cup-o-joe

Gil finds the sun

Peter S. meditating to the sun god

The No Snore Zone

Plenty of room to spread out at Wm. Kent

Bikes racked and locked every night

Java-Jay, the ubiquitous camp robber

With Eric and Dale at Kings Beach Coffee House

On the layover day, Eric led us up to the Mt. Rose summit, a 52 mile RT ride with 3,700' of elevation gain

With Gil and Dale at Kings Beach

The 4 Amigos

With Eric, Gil and Dale at viewpoint on Mt. Rose Hwy

Lake Tahoe from Mt. Rose Hwy viewpoint

From Incline Village, it's about a 7 mile climb to Mt. Rose Summit at 8,911'

Gil, Dale and Eric posing in front of Mt. Rose at 10,776', the 2nd tallest peak in the Tahoe Basin

Dinner out with Peter and Saxon at Sunnyside Restaurant

Back on the road again - Dick N. and Dave C. on Hwy 89 near Emerald Bay

Emerald Bay . . . the crown jewel of Lake Tahoe

With John F. and Saxon at Emerald Bay Viewpoint

Mike, the Alien Biker

Patti B. and Bob B.

Mike, Saxon and Tawny

Stopping to take in a view of Cascade Lake and Mt. Tallac

"Help! . . .Throw me a line!!"

Saxon grinding up Upper Truckee Road to Luther Pass, the steepest climb of the tour

At rest stop in Hope Valley - Shon, Don, Pam, Jay and John

Don grinding up Hwy 88 to Carson Pass

Casey smilin' near top of Carson Pass

Mike D. chasing Dick N. up Carson Pass

Mike D.

View of Red Lake from Carson Pass (Hwy 88)

In front of Caples Lake and Round Top Mt.

Cascading Silver Creek waterfall viewed from Carson Spur

Circling the wagons at East Silver Lake Campground

Beautiful little pond near campground

Female bufflehead duck with juveniles

More views of pond

At sunset

End of another fantastic tour!


  1. It was indeed a great tour! A beautiful and very well serviced tour by the 3 Amigos and their crew.

  2. Wow..what a ride! You must be so very fit! i need to get off my lard.
