Panorama of Minarets, Mt. Ritter and Mt. Banner from Minaret Vista
This was my second visit to the Eastern Sierra this year. At the invitation of Dick and Jan, I joined the Fraschettis with his brother Dave and wife, Lynn, for 5 fantastic days on the east slope.
The Fraschetti's rented a unit at the Snow Creek Condos in Mammoth Lakes. We spent the next 5 days hiking into some awesome canyons searching for waterfalls. We were hoping to catch some early fall colors but were about 7-10 days too early.
This photo-journal blog chronicles my latest trip starting with pics of the Ritter Range at sunrise viewed from Minaret Vista above Mammoth Lakes.
Day hike blog entries include:
-Lundy Creek Canyon
-McGee Creek Canyon
-Parker Creek Canyon
Click on pic once/twice for enlarged view
Continue to scroll down or click on "older posts" to continue the Eastern Sierra blog.
Similar view a couple minutes earlier when peaks are bathed in alpen-glow
San Joaquin Mt - 11,601' - to the far right of Ritter and Banner
A few other photos taken over next couple days: