The view toward Lundy Lake Canyon below majestic mountains

Lundy Lake (above and below)

It's Sept. 18th and the trees are just starting to turn color

Lundy Lake, a popular fishing spot

Remnants of old mining town

Passing a small pond on the way to the trail-head
Click on pic once/twice for enlarged viewFirst major waterfall as we climb up the beautiful canyon

Looking back down the canyon where we started the hike. Lundy Lake barely visible in far horizon.

Passing another pond with very clear waters

The colorful canyon wall

A giant bonsai tree

Dick and Lynn marching up the canyon

One of the side canyon waterfalls

Passing another pond created by beaver dam.

Hiking through a dense aspen forest

The aspens were huge

Graffiti on aspen trunks

Lynn standing amidst beautiful blue wildflowers

As we ascend further up the canyon, a side-canyon fall (above and below) feeds into the main stream

Dick standing near the beginning of the main waterfalls

The stream cascades down the mountain

About 2 miles up the trail, we encounter the major falls

Dave and Lynn at the base of the biggest fall

Late afternoon sun casts neat shadows on the canyon walls

Returning past shimmering blue beaver pond
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