Off the coast of central Chile, is Punihuil, where penquins spend their summers

Overlooking Punihuil Bay where we take a boat out to see the penquins and other birds

Dawn meets Penquins

Getting ready to board our boat. Note the really cool rolling dock. I was really intriqued by this invention and never seen one before. It kept our feet dry.

Climbing on board the rolling dock

The crew wheels the tourists out to the boat and climb on board (above and below) . . . is this really cool or what!

The village on the beach

A young Magellanic with adult
Magellanic and Humboldt Penquins have breeding colonies at Punihuil on Chiloe Island.
Magellanics are slightly bigger than Humboldts and have two black pectoral bands. Humboldts have only one black pectoral band.

A group of singing Magellanics

The one with single pectoral band (middle) is a Humboldt surrounded by a bunch of Magellanics

Neotropic Cormorant

Red-legged Cormorant

Gull with nesting material

Otter-like Rock

Female Kelp Goose

Black Oystercatcher

The other half of our group
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