Saturday, November 23, 2013

Berkeley Hike

During the winter months, the Sacramento County Hikers led by Rich Blackmarr, head to the Bay Area for some urban hiking just in case the weather turns foul.  We can always duck into a coffeehouse or restaurant should it begin raining.

But here it is . . . it's almost Thanksgiving and we're still enjoying an extended Indian Summer.  The day started out cool and windy but by the end of the day, the winds calmed down and the temps were toasty.  A perfect day for a hike.

Rich planned another excellent urban hike tackling the steep stairs and meandering streets of North Berkeley and Kensington neighborhoods.

The approximately 7 mile hike started out near the Solano Boulevard commercial district and meandered via many flights of steps and steep streets over the ridge into Tilden Park where we stopped for lunch.

We climbed back over the ridge on the Memory Trail and down to the starting point stopping at several wonderful neighborhood parks -  Dorothy Bolte, John Hinkel, Indian Rock and Contra Costa Rock Parks.

These urban hikes are very popular and about 30 hikers participated in today's hike

To view complete album, click on "Berkeley Hike" below photo:

From Berkeley Hike

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