Tuesday, May 15, 2012

2012 Amgen Tour of CA - Stage 1

Frank and Bob awaiting racers in Monte Rio.

We caught Stage 1 in two locations on the 116 mile route.  The first on the bridge crossing the Russian River in Monte Rio.  The second on a hill overlooking the Russian River on the coast south of Jenner.

Click on photo for enlarged view and scroll through each picture on bottom of page
We got here early so killed time at Don's Dogs, a nifty eatery in Monte Rio.  They also serve Peets Coffee.
Don grilling great dogs on his hot rod grill
Frank playing with Murphy, Don's friendly chocolate lab
Team Capo, maker of premier cycle clothing, comes rolling into Monte Rio before the racers arrived
Rio Theater, the town's major landmark

The arrival of the race marshal's van signals the racers are not far behind
Official race photographers have the best seats
CHPS leading the racers

8 man breakaway arrives about 9-10 minutes ahead of the peloton 

10 minutes later, the peloton arrives

George Hincapie on right

After the racers come through Monte Rio, we drive 10 miles to the coast and find a great spot on a hill overlooking the Russian River and Jenner
Race fan chowing down as we wait for the racers

Breakaway group comes racing across the bridge
And make the turn up the hill

About 7 minutes later, the peloton storms by the Hwy 116/Hwy 1 junction and crosses the bridge

Swinging around the curve and powering up the hill

The Broom Wagon sweeping the course

End of TdC blog

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