Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Tour-de-Licious -- Sacramento to Kings Canyon Bike Tour - Part 2

At the top of Ben Hur Road and heading to Hensley Lake

Swooping down Ben Hur to Raymond
Stone fence built in the 1800's
Another long hot day in the saddle and taking a break in the shade
The last long climb on Ben Hur Road
Our campground at Lake Hensley, end of tough 64 mile day

Great conversation and great food . . .

A dandy metal sign
Taking another break on Day 5, Lake Hensley to Millerton Lake, a 37 mile day and 2,500'

Man vs Horse

Green on Brown
Last big climb over ridge to Lake Milllerton
Lake Millerton at sunset
Nap Time!

The miles and heat are taking its toll

Rested and recovered . . . and ready for dinner

A fantastic lake-side campsite
Datura, beautiful but poisonous if eaten
Doug's day to drive the sag truck
Sittin' kinda' close to the road, heh!
Day 6, Millerton Lake to Pine Flat Lake, a 53 mile & 4,240'
Trimmer Springs Road near Pine Flat Lake
Pine Flat Lake

Our campground at Lake Ridge RV Park on Pine Flat Lake
Day 7 Pine Flat Lake to Kings Canyon, 47 mile & 7,200'
Crossing the Kings River

Heading to Wonder Valley on Elwood Road
Another break on Hwy 180
The big long climb to Kings Canyon on Dunlap Road and Hwy 245
Road Kill

We are whipped climbing Hwy 245 . . . about 10 miles and 1,000' to go
Dang! Finally made it to Sunset Campground at Kings Canyon after 48 mile, 7200' of vertical!

Ranger Erica stationed at Kings Canyon, a friend of Wendy's, and son pays a visit and brings a load of fire wood.
Wendy whipping up eggs for french toast on our layover day
Bear boxes maxed out with all our provisions
Barbara Greenwood drives down and rides with us on last 2 days
Following pics of hike into Grant Redwood Grove

In front of General Grant Tree, 3rd largest in volume in the world

View of upper Grant Tree through dogwood tree leaves
Historic cabin made of redwood
Man vs. Fire Place

Harvey at entrance to fallen tree once used as a saloon in hey days

Man vs Pup
Last day . . . loading sag truck for ride to Hanford, a 76 mile day & 533'
Lock n Load . . . temps in low 40's and descending 6500' to the Central Valley
Swooping down Hwy 245 to Visalia
Riding through amazing forest of blooming buckeyes on Hwy 245

End of exhilarating 37 mile descent

 Final leg . . . 40 miles of flats to Hanford
Superior way to end the tour . . . ice cream and shakes at Superior Dairy in Hanford
Our celebratory treats
And this is a small scoop?!!
Superior, serving ice cream for 80 years, is a Hanford institution
Hanford's Civic Center surrounded by impressive collection of historic buildings
Hanford Auditorium
Court House
Hanford Theater with Diana Krall appearing in August
Strolling through China Town

Classic industrial building on the edge of downtown. . . some kind of mill work
Celebrating our last dinner at Rice Bowl Restaurant
Man vs. Singapore Noodles
My #3 Combo Dinner was quite good
Waiting for the train back to Sac
All Aboard!!

End of Tour-de-Licious

1 comment:

  1. Wow..imam tired just looking at all that hard work you did! Good thing you ate well! Hugs to you!
